Lost Coin, Boulder, April 2008
This year is turning into a spectacular one for Lost Coin’s retreats. We started with a stimulating one-day workshop in February in San Francisco, and next on the lineup are workshops in Düsseldorf, Germany and Boulder, Utah. We hope you can join us for one or both!
These workshops are not just for members of Lost Coin-we warmly welcome anyone who is interested in attending.
Düsseldorf, Germany: May 15-17, 2009
We are happy to be traveling again to Düsseldorf to join our members from Germany and other parts of Europe. The retreat will be held at Kanzeon Zen Centre Germany (Bastionstr. 31, 40213 Düsseldorf).
On Friday night, May 15th, Sensei will give a Dharma talk from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. The workshop will begin on Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., and will continue on Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (including Zazenkai).
If you would like to attend the Friday Dharma talk only, the cost will be €25 (approximately $33 US). For the Dharma talk and both days of the workshop, the cost will be €155 (approximately $210 US) for non-members and will be €125 (approximately $170 US) for members of Lost Coin or Kanzeon Germany.
To register, please contact sangha-duesseldorf@kanzeon.de. Für Informationen auf deutsch kontaktieren Sie bitte mail@praxis-jung.com.
Boulder, Utah: June 26-28, 2009
We are returning again to the beautiful red rock desert of Boulder, Utah for the Better Than Good workshop this June. The retreat will be held at Boulder Mountain Lodge, which has very comfortable accommodations and an on-site restaurant, Hell’s Backbone Grille, that is known nationwide for its innovative cuisine.
Please plan to arrive on the evening of June 25th to settle in. We will start zazen at 9:00 a.m. on Friday, June 26th. Our sitting area and the patio where we do kinhin (walking meditation) have lovely views of a pond that is also a bird refuge.
We typically sit zazen for two or three periods of 30 minutes each in the morning, and then take solitary hikes or walks in the surrounding wilderness. After lunch, we will sit a few more periods of zazen and then Sensei will give a Dharma talk. After a short break, we will sit again for several periods and then break for dinner. Throughout the sitting periods, Sensei will be giving daisan (individual interviews) with the students.
We often share lively (and delicious) dinners at Hell’s Backbone. Other options for lodging and dining are available, including nearby motels and camping sites and one restaurant within walking distance. You are welcome to share rooms at the Lodge to reduce costs and enjoy each other’s company; if you are not a member of Lost Coin and would like to ask about room-sharing, please email contact@lostcoinzen.com.
We have reserved a block of rooms; please call and make your own reservations. Rates vary by type of room, and more information can be found at the Boulder Mountain website (www.boulder-utah.com). When you call, please let them know that you are part of Lost Coin.
Please bring your own zafu and zabuton-and if you’re coming from Utah and have extra zafus or zabutons, please bring them to share so that people arriving by plane do not have to pack them in their suitcases.
If you have any questions, please contact Rebecca Long Okura at 801-550-8805 or toll-free at 800-731-5061.
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